Further 10,618 new cases as hospital numbers continue to fall

The Department of Health has today been notified of 4,208 PCR-confirmed cases of Covid-19.

In addition, on Monday, January 31st, 6,410 people registered a positive antigen test through the HSE portal.

As of 8am today, 624 Covid-19 patients are hospitalised, of whom 66 are in ICU.

The amount of people being hospitalised from the virus continues to fall as compared to last week there has been a decrease of 200 people.

ICU numbers also continue to drop as there are now 66 people in ICU with Covid-19 compared to 79 this time last week.

The news comes as Minister for Mental Health, Mary Butler announced talking therapy sessions on a no cost basis to individuals impacted by the pandemic.

NGO partner MyMind will provide up to 16,500 counseling and psychotherapy sessions, in over 15 languages, through a €1 million dedicated fund.

Speaking about the initiative, Minister Butler said: «This funding is part of the €10 million, once off, additional allocation for mental health announced on Budget Day to further enhance the experiences of people using mental health services and supports.

«The talking therapy sessions are for people particularly impacted during this time, whether through personal experience of COVID-19, for example: bereavement, isolation, depression, anxiety; working on the front line; or through the economic effects of the pandemic including those working in the creative arts, entertainment or hospitality.»

The delivery of these supports is a continuation of an initiative that commenced in 2020 that was funded from the Sláintecare Integration Fund.

s part of this initiative MyMind delivered approximately 22,000 counseling and psychotherapy sessions to date.

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