British diplomat asked to downplay the impact of Brexit on the Irish peace process

A former senior British diplomat in Washington has accused Boris Johnson’s government of devastatingly underestimating the impact of Brexit on the «sensitive peace process» in Northern Ireland in comments directed to the American public.

Alexandra Hall, the main Brexit envoy to the United States who quit her job in late 2019 because she was unwilling to «promote half-truths on behalf of a government I don’t trust», condemned Johnson’s government for being «deliberately disingenuous» in official letters that She was asked to deliver her about Brexit.

In a lengthy article published in an American academic journal, the former professional diplomat criticized the UK government for underestimating the cost and impact of Brexit in «public talking points» intended to provide the British government’s official line in Washington.

«They underestimated the increased friction that business firms were likely to trade between the UK and EU countries as well as third countries such as the US,» Hall wrote in the Texas National Security Review.

“But most damagingly, the talking points also underestimated the consequences of Brexit for the delicate peace process in Northern Ireland, where the United States has been a primary stakeholder, helping to broker and supporting the Good Friday Agreement ever since,” he wrote.

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