A British schoolboy drowned on a French holiday while a lifeguard was trying to find his glasses | world | News

Jake Taylor, 11, slipped underwater in a crowded swimming lake at La Croix Du Vieux Pont camp in northern France in August 2019. He later died in a Paris hospital. The boy’s parents, desperate for answers, want to «properly investigate» in the pool.

Rebecca Wilson, a paramedic who was vacationing at the camp site during the tragic event, saw people providing CPR to Jake and offered to help.

She told HullLive: «When I arrived there was no guard there.

“I started to put pressure on the chest. I knew he needed more treatment but there was no medical equipment available at the time.

«After 30 minutes an anesthesiologist came and I told him my concerns. Then the police and paramedics arrived and took me away.»

The investigation we heard from Ms. Wilson, a rescue worker at the camp, seemed «more concerned» about finding his goggles than about saving the boy’s life.

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She said, «It was a group of teenagers who got Jake out.

“I spoke to his mother who said Jake had been missing for five minutes and begged the lifeguard to look for Jake but seemed reluctant to do so.

«She said he was more interested in trying to find his goggles.»

Lead coroner Professor Paul Marks said: «The rescuer’s explanation was that he needed goggles to be able to see underwater, but he also felt it was difficult to find Jake because there were so many clients in the water.»

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A criminal investigation into Jake’s death, led by the French gendarmerie, concluded that no criminal action would be taken against any of the parties involved in the incident, which occurred around 6pm on August 22.

Medical records showed that the boy did not have underlying health conditions, and a pathologist found his death to have occurred by drowning.

Mrs and Mr. Taylor, the boy’s parents, had previously given their attorneys leave to press for more answers.

«What it comes down to is that no one will be charged, but our lawyers can push for more to properly investigate the pool,» Ms Taylor said.

Lawyer Paul McClury, of Hudgell Solicitors, said last year: «Many vacationers who have visited the site have raised concerns about the depth of the lake in certain areas, whether they were there at the same time with the Jake family and people who had previously visited.

“They were seeing that parts of the lake were deeper than the 1.8m advertised.

«This is of course an area that we feel needs further clarification.»

Mrs and Mr Taylor wrote in a statement: «Where do we begin writing a personal reference for the most caring and loving son.

“He had a heart of gold and he cared about everyone.

“If you’re feeling down, he’ll make you smile and give you the most loving hug.

“He wouldn’t have done anything if he thought he might get hurt.

“He had a lot of friends at school and the teachers loved him.

«He was a good-hearted young man.»

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